Sport shoes are important to wear while doing sport like badminton. It prevent player from leg injury. Not every sport shoes also suitable for every sport. However, not many people know how to choose the proper shoes. I will inform 8 tips how to choose sport shoes….
- Don’t buy multifunction shoes. A daily shoes which often uses to walk has hard material. Sport shoes have softer material to make you run and stop without making slip. The shoes has extra grid to reduce slip and extra material to increase its endurance and conformability.
- Measure your foot periodically. Measure your foot size periodically at least twice a year. A research proved that the foot size can be change although the person is old already.
- Buy it after doing exercise. Foot size can increase depend on the activity. Harder activity you do, bigger also your foot will be. It happens only temporary; your foot will come back to the size after you finish the exercise and doing other work. Of course, you don’t want feel the pain in your foot for that. So, buy the shoes exactly after doing the exercise.
- Try with your socks. Socks make your foot more comfortable. It is also make your foot seems bigger. So, try to use the sport shoes with your socks to get the real size.
- Don’t get comfortable quickly. Don’t get comfortable and satisfied only with a pair of shoes. Try as many shoes as you can. And don’t just try it in the front of the mirror. Try to walk or even run with it. It is because you will wear it for sport activity.
- Pay attention to the size. Pay a high attention to the size. Make sure it is really fit with you. Bigger shoes will get off easily, but smaller shoes will make you hurt.
- Money doesn’t lie. Don’t wish to get high quality shoes with cheap price. The quality of $500 will be better than $50 shoes. You can get cheap shoes with good quality if you buy second hand shoes.
- Time to hang off you shoes. Shoes have their lifetime. There is a time to really hang them off and get the new one. Ideally a sport shoes need to be replaced after being used for 500-600 kilometers. Or you can change it if the rubber on the grid is getting thinner and not comfortable anymore to be used.
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